Sunday, July 17, 2005

Finding the meanings of a page using Pertinence Summarizer

Been looking for a textual analysis tool for some time and have tried every one I can get my hands on, including Site Content Analyzer, Tropes, and a couple of others that I don't remember offhand.

But I just came accross a Semantic Analyzer that really does work and appears to summerize a html page (or any document) in a way similar to what Google and other search engines might sumerize a page to decide what the page is about and what it should rank for. Best of all, Pertinence Summarizer can be used for free at this link, that allows you to Summerize Google results for any query.

I tested this on two of my clients, and, to see what Pertinence Summarizer finds is the essential meaning of the main pages.

For The House Designers, Pertinence decided that "decorate dream house plans", "build dream house plans", "the house designers", "beautiful house plans" "popular home plans" and "designer house plans" were the most meaninful phases on the main page.

These may, or may not be the best phrases for this page to rank for...and we'd want to see what the competition is putting into their pages and compare it with what Google thinks our pages are about. Lets look at the Google Results before going any further:

Google Query focusing on results
decorate dream house plans Position # 1 of 194,000 documents found on 7/17/05
build dream house plans Position # 8 of 7,160,000 documents found on 7/17/05
beautifual house plans Position # 3 of 5,230,000 documents found on 7/17/05
popular home plans Position #20 of 22,300,000 documents found on 7/17/05
designer house plans Position # 7 of 2,640,000 documents found on 7/17/05

I found the best level of Sumerization to be between 30% to 10%; depending on how much text is on a page (for a lot of text, 20% works best).

What's important here is to 1) understand what Google thinks this page is about, and 2) experiement and change the copy to what you want it to be, and then have Pertinence read it off your hard drive and get the meanings you want to come accross, then republish your page and watch the results.

Of course, what ever is decided on in the body text, should be supported, somewhat, with backlink anchor text of sites pointing to your own.

Using Pertinence at 20% Sumerization, I came up with these important phrases for . I don't think these phrases, below, are the best ones to rank for but that's what Pertinence shows are, in fact, what Google thinks their main page is about.

house plans golf Position 1 in 3,000,000 documents on 7/17/05
lakefront house plans Position 3 in 152,000 documents on 7/17/05
product development home building industry

The last phase, "product development home building industry" does not work, and I'd have taken it out of their copy and put it on a different page because Google does not think the main living concepts page is about product development or the home building industry..and if that's something the client wants, they have to re-write the copy to reflect that.

So you can get all kinds of ideas of how to use this summerizer service, which can be used for free, though a license that translates to 145.00 USD, is probably a good way to go if your going to use it alot. For the Google Demo, which opens up Pertinence Summarizer for your use, you'll need to supply them with an email address, and they will supply you with a password.

Happy Semantic Analsyis!

Friday, July 15, 2005

IBM advancing on its search engine project

Well, I do work for IBM and have been working on Search Engine Metrics, both for the company, and on my own freelance work, things like that. So I guess an article as interesting as this one would peak my interest.

I was suprized an the amount of information contained in the article. I've never seen an actual collection of data, gathered and given meaning my WebFountain. I'd certainly like to see it and I hope I will in the future.

I've been thinking about what it would be nice to have now; what I'm envisioning might not have anything to do with WebFountain. Take for example, the Karl Rove, Joseph Wilson, Valarie Palme case that's rapidly unfolding.

It would be great to have a graphical viewer that did something like this: Software that would allow me to chose a subject and, or story, then datamine the internet and pull related information and catagorize as positive or negative, or you can set up as many states of catagorization as you want.

I keep on wishing I could find a program like that today; but I haven't see anything remotely close. ONly WebFountain sounds like it could do it...but I have yet to see how WebFountain is configured to do this work.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Burning Questions - The Official FeedBurner Weblog: New Awareness Feature: BuzzBoost

Burning Questions - The Official FeedBurner Weblog: New Awareness Feature: BuzzBoost: "New Awareness Feature: BuzzBoost
If you have several blogs or other sites that have their own feeds, we'll bet a few bottom dollars you've been looking for a way to easily cross-promote them. Or, perhaps you're a podcaster who would like to list your latest podcast postings in a blog sidebar or other handy garden spot somewhere on the web. The bottom line? You've got feeds you want to get out there where people can see 'em, and you'd like to allow people to see the feed headlines (or content itself) in some compact, convenient format.
Enter BuzzBoost. It's the latest publicity and awareness offering for FeedBurner publishers, and it's free. BuzzBoost's job is to redisplay your feed content anywhere you can copy and paste a short snippet of HTML code � in a Blogger or TypePad page template, on a corporate website, or even in a 'signature' block on a message board. BuzzBoost code is just a short line of JavaScript that displays content items and information from a FeedBurner feed according to settings you provide. You get to control how BuzzBoost displays the following elements"

This FeedBurner enhancement is definately worth a look!

Portable Rollable Displays: Foldable Screens That Fit Your Pocket

I'm waiting for this! I keep thinking about how the portable devices we're using now are still pretty limited. I have a TMobile Sidekick II, I think it's great, but what I really want is what's below.

Robin Good mentioned the Foldable Screen in This Article,while the information about wearable digital camaras came from This Source.

I want one of these today; actually, I wanted one yesterday too!

Google Earth is Addictive!

I've been using Google Earth quite a lot, both for personal enjoyement and for my SEO work.

One of my clients is an architect (I have several house designers as clients) and I looked at the sales data in one of the channels the architect sells his plans through. Before Google Earth, the address of the people who bought architectual house plans would not have mattered to me much. But look what I did with 6 months of my clients' data!

I was able to home into each address and, in many cases, look at the actual address where the plan was sold. I was also able to search for builders and related types of professions that tend to buy house plans using the local search part of Google Earth.

Amazing Stuff! Thanks Google!

New EyeTracking Study

I've been reading the New Eye Tracking Study sponsered by Enquiro and; trying to make sense of it.

The "sales letter" for this publication led me to believe I'd find out something conclusive; but I did not really find that was the case. I think I'll re-read it over after I finish the last couple of pages. I don't think a sampling of 48 people is a large enough sampling; they need 10 times that number..

Another thing I noticed was the "Google Effect"; the authors contended that we had been educated to think the top listings in search results were more relevent because Google was sopposed to produce highly relevent results. We look withing the Golden Triange (above) and then the first couple of paid ads. But if we did not find what we were looking for, we quickly lose confidence (in the Google Effect?) and start looking all over the page when we next search on the same query.

It's really hard for me, right now, to decide if this has any long term meaning in my SEO work or not. I have to absorb it and see if it works.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Google hovers as Baidu readies IPO

Google hovers as Baidu readies IPO: "Google hovers as Baidu readies IPO
Monday July 4, 6:00 am ET
By David Shabelman in San Francisco
As Inc. nears an initial public offering in the U.S., the company appears to be drawing a close look from Google Inc., which sources said could have an interest in acquiring the Chinese Internet search leader. "

Interesting. I've been tracking Baidu does produce a lot of search traffic.
For Google, it makes sense to aquire it.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Boing Boing: 3D TV (no glasses required)

Boing Boing: 3D TV (no glasses required): "3D TV (no glasses required)
During the cyberdelic early 1990s in San Francisco, my friend Dan Mapes was one of the rave scene's most dynamic digital video and virtuality evangelists. I hadn't heard from Dan for several years, but today's New York Times reveals that his vision for the future hasn't changed. Dan's now co-founder of Deep Light, a San Fernando Valley-based start-up marketing a high-res 3D TV that delivers the illusion of depth without any clunky glasses. In the Times article, Michael Krantz gives a sneak preview of Deep Light's HD3D, a system based on technology first developed by Cambridge University professor Adrian Travis."

I'd like one of these.

The New York Times > Technology > Dear Blog: Today I Worked on My Book

The New York Times > Technology > Dear Blog: Today I Worked on My Book: "hen he has writer's block, John Battelle, author of the forthcoming book 'The Search: The Inside Story of How Google and Its Rivals Changed Everything,' keeps on writing. But not his book manuscript. Instead, he goes straight to his blog (

Mr. Battelle, a founder of Wired and The Industry Standard magazines, sometimes makes quick notes on the blog about a topic related to his book, and other times posts longer essays. 'Writing for the blog is more like having a conversation,' Mr. Battelle said. "

Small world! I met John Batelle briefly at Webmasterworld; told him I have been reading his blog since I am using My Yahoo! as a news aggregator.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Smart Mobs: Foundcity: social mapping tool overlaid on google maps

Smart Mobs: Foundcity: social mapping tool overlaid on google maps: "Foundcity: social mapping tool overlaid on google maps
Shibuya Epiphany, The Era of Sentient Things
Posted by Howard at 12:38 AM
'Social mapping tools' like Foundcity connect your journeys through the physical world with maps you can tag and access from your desktop or share with your social network. Snap a picture with your cameraphone, add a tag in the message body, and send the message to (also in Brooklyn, San Francisco, and Los Angeles right now) "

I just signed up.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Gary Stein - JupiterMedia post on using BlogPulse to determine Buzz


But...I mean...look at this. Really. Who's going to be able to concentrate for the next 3 weeks? I'm doing a session at Ad-Tech on the FIRST DAY IN THE ALPS!

OK. Focus.

Take a look at the chart above, courtesy of BlogPulse. Cycling has enjoyed a pretty incredible in interest these last several years, at least here in the US. The reason is clear: Armstrong is an amazing athlete with an incredible story.

I'm interested in the how Gary Stein used Blogpulse to discover trends. I have decided to do the same thing...but I had not seen too many people explain it as well as Gary did.