Sunday, January 22, 2006

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse | | Peak Oil News Clearinghouse

Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse Peak Oil News Clearinghouse: "Perhaps one of the answers relates to the same obfuscated reasons why the U.S. launched an unprovoked invasion to topple the Iraq government macroeconomics and the desperate desire to maintain U.S. economic supremacy. In essence, petrodollar hegemoy is eroding, which will ultimately force the U.S. to significantly change its current tax, debt, trade, and energy policies, all of which are severely unbalanced. World oil production is reportedly flat out, and yet the neoconservatives are apparently willing to undertake huge strategic and tactical risks in the Persian Gulf. Why? Quite simply their stated goal is U.S. global domination at any cost."

Thanks to for bringing me links to this information via it's Blogorama weekly newsletter. is also an SEO client of mine for whom I do Pro Bono work.

Anyway, based on what I'm reading we're in for a rocky 2006, especially if the US attacks IRAN. It often feels as if events are moving out of control. In the past there was the US and Soviets - and between the 2 superpowers - things could always be worked out - even if we were always ready to push the nuke button. But now, it's hard to see how we get out of Iraq as the US is planning to attack IRAN.

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