Saturday, September 17, 2005

Updating My Website

I feel a hypocrite for optimizing websites of my clients while ignoring my own site. It's much easier to work with a site that already exists and has problems than deciding what to do about

For one thing, when I built Now-Seo, I used as a hosting provider, which was a poor choice because it's really shared hosting. At first I triedmasking the actual address and doing a redirect from the hosting provider so only showed up in the address bar; then I realized that might hurt whatever rankings I might get, so I stoped that. As a result, I make no attemt to mask that resolves to

I noticed today that my site does not show pagerank in the Google Toolbar. I became upset and looking at the site I've been ignoring, it's looked ugly and sloppy to me all of a sudden.

Soon, I was Googling for "seo website templates" and "seo friendly website templates" or just "website templates". Here I was, fixing multi-million dollar sites for others, but would not lift a finger to fix my own site over the last 30 months or so.

I found a couple of products that look interesting like SEO Website Builder but I wonder if I'd have the patience to work though the templates. I do SEO/SEM.....I don't want to work though a restrictive system, and the site also says that an experienced Webmaster or SEO would not like this product as much because of the restrictions.

But I don't want to come up with the whole design of the site from scratch...and now I'm back to looking at the website project from the point of view of those who build sites and think more about appearance and message than SEO.

Rather than doing anything tonight, I'm going to step back and let the emotions pass and then take an objective look and see what I want am willing to do about it.

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